Lukas W. Lindwasser

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the National Center for Theoretical Sciences at NTU 

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I am currently focusing my efforts on studying various aspects of higher spin particles and their connection with providing UV softness to observables. The Standard Model consists of particles of low spin: s = 0, 1/2, 1. These are the Higgs, leptons and quarks, photon and gluon and W and Z bosons, respectively. The graviton, with spin s = 2, completes the list of elementary particles. Particles with spin higher than 2 are mysteriously missing from this list.

Many no-go theorems about higher spin particles exist, stating that massless particles with spin higher than 2 cannot consistently interact with other particles at long distances in a way that respects relativity, equivalence principle, etc. A finite number of interacting massive higher spin particles also lead to causality issues.

Although higher spin particles have many theoretical challenges, the only known way currently to consistently formulate quantum gravity at high energies, string theory, incorporates an infinite tower of massive higher spins into the model. It is important therefore to understand the role higher spin particles play in formulating a UV complete gravity theory. 

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